For Men Only! 5 everyday foods that are awesome for your boner

Here is how to make sure you eat the right thing for your little man.
We are here to make sure that you and your junk are in tip top shape for all your sexual adventures. Here are foods that you should include in your meals.

We eat all sorts of food to be generally healthy, and some food for specific part of the body. Like some food are good for the sight, some for the heart, others for the kidney. Today, we will covering foods that good for the penis.

We have examples of foods that are bad for the penis like excessive consumption of sugar.

Here are examples of easy to find foods that are excellent for a healthy penis, even fertile as well. As you’re dumping them, they should be effective, to help you in that regard, check these out.

You'll be surprised at how good eating bananas are good for your health.1. Bananas
You'll be surprised at how good eating bananas are good for your health.

Who would have thought that a fruit that bare physical resemblance to a penis can actually be good for male fertility. Banana has an enzyme known as bromelain, that is responsible for increasing male libido, it also has vitamin B in abundance, which is great for long lasting sex. That’s not all the benefits of banana, it can also help boost sperm count. Bromelain is also an anti-inflammatory enzyme that helps in the production of  male sex hormone, testosterone.
Now you can see all the plenty reasons why bananas should be part of your steady diet.
2. Eggs
After reading this, you may need more egg in your
After reading this, you may need more egg in your diet.

If these were balls joke, they would have written themselves. Eggs are great for the male reproductive systems. Here are the health benefits, they contain Vitamin E and crazy high in protein. Eggs are also known to help in building strong and healthy sperm in the testicles. Eggs also great for increasing sperm count. With its Vitamin D elements, its reduces the risk of deficiency of testicular tissue degeneration.
Guys, start eating eggs more than usual.
3. Carrots
Carrots are great for sperm productionplay
Carrots are great for sperm production

Carrots are very rich in vitamin A which is very important in sperm production, it also elevates the motility (the measure of how sperm travels). It also makes sperm strong. These sperm-boosting qualities are as a result of chemicals it has called carotenoids which is also the reason why it has this color. When are you stocking up on carrots?
4. Garlic
Garlic is great for improving blood flow to your
Garlic is great for improving blood flow to your penis.

Garlic has always been used to treat different things from respiratory problems to heart problems. For men and their junk, it can be a powerful aphrodisiac, and wonderful in elevating sperm degree. Garlic also has a compound known as allicin that is powerful in increasing blood flow to the reproductive system. It helps in sperm volume and production. It also has vitamin B6 and selenium that are known to prevent sperm from being damaged and do a great job of regulating hormones.
5. Dark Chocolates
This is both a gift and curse. If you abuse it, it can result in negative effects on your overall health and
This is both a gift and curse. If you abuse it, it can result in negative effects on your overall health and fertility.
 (Fresh Food Images)

We all know by now these types of chocolate are great aphrodisiac, they also have amino acid that do a great job of increasing sperm quantity, and also make orgasms even better. Over consumption of dark chocolates are also known to cause weight gain, and can cause the level of testosterone to reduce even sperm count as well. The amino acid can also double semen volume.
A bit of advice on the dark chocolate, consume with caution. Over consumption can result in weight gain, and also reduction in sperm count.
Other everyday foods that are good for your junk includes spinach, pomegranate, watermelon, salmon, nuts and many more.


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